The rise in prevalence of chronic diseases has become a global healthcare priority and a system wide approach has been called for to manage this growing epidemic.
El informe del Observatorio de Modelos Integrados en Salud (OMIS) recoge las diversas prácticas de atención integrada identificadas y registradas por el OMIS en 2014, las clasifica temáticamente y aporta elementos para el análisis de cómo y dónde está España en el desarrollo de la agenda de la atención integrada.
Con motivo del Día Mundial del Cáncer, la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (aecc) ha elaborado un estudio en el que se aborda la situación de los cuidados paliativos en España.
Case management is commonly used to provide health care for patients with multiple chronic conditions. However, the most effective form of team organization and the necessary support structures need to be identified. In this respect, patients' views could provide a valuable contribution to improving the design of these services. To analyse the experiences of patients with chronic diseases and of caregivers, in relation to health care services and mechanisms, and to identify means of modelling ...
Globally, the population is ageing and lives with several chronic diseases for decades. A high symptom burden is associated with a high use of healthcare, admissions to nursing homes, and reduced quality of life. The aims of this study were to describe the multidimensional symptom profile and symptom burden in community-dwelling older people with multimorbidity, and to describe factors related to symptom burden.
The working hypotheses for screening and early diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have been that: 1) long-term exposure to cigarette smoke or pollutants damages the airways and/or the lungs, and causes airflow obstruction; 2) airflow obstruction occurs primarily in the small airways, is asymptomatic in the early stages of the disease and is progressive in the majority of COPD patients; and 3) forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and its ratio ...
Continuity of care is widely acknowledged as important for patients with multi-morbidity but simple, service-orientated indices cannot capture the full impact of continuity in complex care delivery systems. The patient’s perspective is important to assess outcomes fully and this is challenging because generic measures of patient-perceived continuity are lacking. We investigate the Chao Perception of Continuity (Chao PC) scale to determine its suitability as a measure of continuity of care for patients with a ...
The main objective of this article is to explore the perspectives of patients who live with multiple chronic conditions as they relate to the challenges of self-management.
o explore the relationship between occurrence of chronic diseases and the aging process, the role of age in death from disease was assessed by receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis, to quantify differences in the age compositions between death and survival groups using data for various diseases and from regions of different socioeconomic status in China.
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