Using clinical guidelines in the management of patients with multimorbidity can lead to the prescription of multiple and sometimes conflicting medications.
The health-care needs of older people with multimorbidity, and the extent to which these needs are met, are sharp exemplars of the challenges faced by health-care systems across the world in the 21st century.
The prevalence of chronic diseases and disabilities are higher in older adults, which is one of the key factors of rising health care costs. Health care stakeholders wish older adults to take more control of their health to delay the onset of age-related disabilities and chronic diseases. Engaging older adults in their health care decision making would cut down health care costs and prepare a health care system to be more sustainable.
The objetive is to evaluate a group-based self-management program (SMP) delivered as part of a quality improvement program, Co-Creating Health, for patients living with one of four long-term conditions (LTCs): chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, diabetes, and musculoskeletal pain.
Long and recurring illnesses have burdened sick people and their doctors since ancient times, but until recently the concept of "chronic disease" had limited significance.
Patient eHealth technology offers potential support for disease self-management, but the value of existing applications for patients with multiple chronic conditions (MCCs) is unclear.
El objetivo de este artículo es conocer la opinión de profesionales sanitarios sobre los servicios en cuidados paliativos (CP), así como identificar barreras y facilitadores en la implementación del Plan Andaluz de CP.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, are the number one cause of death worldwide. The fight against NCDs is a challenge for developed and developing societies alike. Tobacco-use, pollution, the harmful use of alcohol, poor diet and lack of physical exercise, and mental-health-related diseases place a heavy burden on nations and communities across the world.
As always, it is the poorest and most vulnerable who are least ...
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