Hoy en día, por primera vez en la historia, la mayoría de las personas puede aspirar a vivir hasta entrados los 60 años y más. La mayor esperanza de vida, sumada a las caídas importantes en las tasas de fecundidad, es la causa del rápido envejecimiento de las poblaciones de todo el mundo.
The objecticve of this article is to investigate the magnitude of barriers in access to health services for chronic patients and the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics that affect them.
Business cycles affect people's lives. A growing literature examines their effect on health outcomes. The available studies on the relationship between ambient economic conditions and cardiovascular health show mixed results. They are furthermore limited in their outcome measures, focusing mostly on mortality.
At the end of 2008, Greece was hit by an unprecedented financial crisis, the most serious that any western country has experienced in peacetime, with GDP falling by 22% at constant prices and unemployment rising from 8% to 26% in just four years.
To study potential changes in attendance at emergency departments (ED) in Reykjavík immediately following the swift economic meltdown in Iceland in October 2008.
he global economic crisis has affected Greece. Data on patients' adherence to medications for chronic diseases are missing. The objective of this study was to identify to what extent the financial crisisand the repeated pharmacists strike have influenced patients adherence to therapy.
Job insecurity has been identified as a risk factor for adverse health outcomes. Perceptions of job insecurity steeply increased during Europe's recent economic downturn, which commenced in 2008. The current study assessed whether job insecurity was associated with incident asthma in Germany during this period.
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