
Measured outcomes of chronic care programs for older adults: a systematic review

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Proposing a re-adapted successful aging model addressing chronic diseases in low- and middle-income countries

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Improving medication management in multimorbidity: development of the MultimorbiditY COllaborative Medication Review And DEcision Making (MY COMRADE) intervention using the Behaviour Change Wheel

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A Look at Person-Centered and Family-Centered Care Among Older Adults: Results from a National Survey.

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Multimorbidity patterns in a primary care population aged 55 years and over.

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Experience of self-management of medications among older people with multimorbidity.

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A Case for the Chronic Disease Management and the Integrated Care Model for Pain Medicine: An Affordable Care Act Imperative and Global Trend.

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Guideline recommended treatments in complex patients with multimorbidity.

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Challenges of managing people with multimorbidity in today’s healthcare systems

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Challenges of managing people with multimorbidity in today’s healthcare systems

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