Nikos, a 63-year-old gentleman presented to our clinic with a 12-month history of chest pain and a 9-month history of a progressively enlarged mass of the left hemi-thorax. The last three months the pain intensity score was reported to be 9–10, with 10 indicating the worst pain ever.
The aim of the present study is to examine the clinical indices related to cardiovascular risk management of Greek patients with type 2 diabetes, before and after the major economic crisis that emerged in the country.
A national internet survey was conducted between March and April 2009 among 27,302 US participants in the Harris Interactive Chronic Illness Panel. Respondents reported behaviors related to cost-related medication non-adherence (CRN) and the impacts of medication costs on other aspects of their daily lives.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) epidemiology is often presented as the paradigm for an approach to prevention that focuses on identifying individual-level risk factors and intervening on them through behavioral change (eg, diet and physical activity interventions) or through the early detection and treatment of biomedical risk factors (such as high blood pressure or dyslipidemias).
The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of pairwise combinations of 17 long-term conditions. Data were obtained from a national, representative population-based study including 162,283 Danish citizens aged 16 years or older. We calculated the prevalence of each long-term condition given the presence of another long-term condition. Compared with the general population, people with angina pectoris had more than twice the odds of having 12 of the 16 other long-term conditions ...
Multimorbidity is a public health problem with high prevalence and important consequences. The aim of this paper was to verify the prevalence and distribution of multimorbidity in Brazilian older adults.
La “Estrategia de Cuidados de Andalucía (PiCuida). Nuevos Retos en el Cuidado de la Ciudadanía” presenta una nueva orientación de los cuidados en Andalucía, que articula de forma coherente la respuesta a las necesidades de salud de la ciudadanía, con la búsqueda del cuidado excelente, garantizando la sostenibilidad del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía (SSPA), dentro de un nuevo modelo de organización sanitaria.
Industrialized countries face a daunting challenge in providing high-quality care for aging patients with increasingly complex health care needs who will need ongoing chronic care management, community, and social services in addition to episodic acute care.
Multimorbidity poses a major health burden worldwide yet most healthcare is still orientated towards the management of single diseases. Literature on the experience of living with multimorbidity is accumulating but has not yet been synthesised in a manner conducive to informing the design of self-management interventions for this population. This study aimed to systematically review and synthesise findings from published, in-depth qualitative studies about the experience of multimorbidity, with a view to identifying the components ...
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