Patient education plays an important role in chronic disease management. The aim of this study is to identify patients' preferences in regard to the design features of effective online patient education (OPE) and the benefits.
Based on recent studies and in this journal, Bernardini and Fracchia report a disillusion and even a substantial uselessness of multimorbidity tools. In the light of a continuously increasing incidence of chronic diseases and continuously increasing numbers of patients with multimorbidity, this may seem remarkable.
Patient complexity is often operationalized by counting multiple chronic conditions (MCC) without considering contextual factors that can affect patient risk for adverse outcomes.
The study objective is to compare the frequencies of barriers to medication adherence reported by ambulatory older adults with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and ambulatory older adults with normal cognition.
The aim of this study is to explore and understand the experience of the adaptation process among family caregivers in hospitals, who have an active presence in hospital and are essential in ensuring proper patient care.
This study aimed to investigate factors associated with the physical health components (PHC) and mental health components (MHC) of health-related quality of life in adults. It is a population-based study, with household cluster sampling.
To examine the health-related needs of people with multiple chronic diseases in the Netherlands compared to people with one chronic disease, and to identify different subgroups of multimorbid patients based on differences in their health problems.
The objective of this article is to explore how multimorbidity is defined in the scientific literature, with a focus on the roles of diseases, risk factors, and symptoms in the definitions.
Información de apoyo a gestores, investigadores, profesionales de la salud y a pacientes y cuidadoras, que trabajan en la en la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas, e incluye publicaciones como artículos, informes, modelos de gestión, estudios y legislación relacionados con la materia. En esta sección se incluyen algunas publicaciones que pueden no ser de libre acceso (propiedad intelectual), y cuya inclusión en OPIMEC está basada en el derecho de cita y con referencia a la fuente original.
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