The objective of the study was to validate externally and prospectively the PROFUND index to predict survival of polypathological patients after a year.
This issue includes an illuminating paper entitled “Variation across Canada in the economic burden attributable to excess weight, tobacco smoking, and physical inactivity”.
Patient financial burden with chronic disease poses significant health risks, yet it remains outside the scope of clinical visits. Little is known about how physicians perceive their patients’ health-related financial burden in the context of primary care. The purpose of this study was to describe physician experiences with patients’ financial burden while managing chronic disease and the communication of these issues.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate clinical outcomes from applications of contemporary social media in chronic disease; to develop a conceptual taxonomy to categorize, summarize, and then analyze the current evidence base; and to suggest a framework for future studies on this topic.
Older patients with various degrees of frailty and disability, a key population target of pharmacological interventions in acute and chronic disease states, are virtually neglected in pre-marketing studies assessing the efficacy and safety of investigational drugs.
Although case management (CM) is increasingly being implemented to address the complex needs of vulnerable clienteles, few studies have examined the patient experience of CM. This study aimed to examine the experience of patients and their family members with care integration as part of a primary care CM intervention. Patients in the study were frequent users of health care services who had chronic diseases.
In 2009, New York City embarked on a mass media campaign and policy initiative to highlight the link between obesity and “sugary beverages”—drinks containing more than 25 calories per 8 ounces (other than milk and 100% juice).
In order to combat the growing burden of chronic disease, evidence-based self-management programs have been designed to teach patients about the disease and its affect on their lives.
The purpose of this article is to create a screening tool of older people's prescriptions (STOPP) and screening tool to alert to right treatment (START) criteria were first published in 2008. Due to an expanding therapeutics evidence base, updating of the criteria was required.
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