In this issue of Medical Care, the authors compare the Medicare and Medicaid costs of care for dually eligible beneficiaries receiving long-term services and supports in nursing homes versus through home- and community-based services (HCBS). They find that HCBS is cheaper, mainly because of lower spending on long-term services and supports. The analysis is careful and includes a number of important robustness checks, which generally support the direction of the main findings. It is an ...
General practices in the United Kingdom are encouraged to have a protocol for the identification of carers and a mechanism for social care referral. However, a minority of carers are identified and those caring for someone with a terminal illness often cope until the situation becomes overwhelming. Earlier identification could enable more timely support. The aim of this project was to model and pilot a systematic approach to identify, assess and support carers of people ...
Patient education (PE) is expected to help patients with a chronic disease to manage their lives and give them the possibility of adopting, in an appropriate manner, beneficial changes in health behaviors that are prescribed by their physicians. It is aimed at delineating, agreeing on, and implementing a patient’s personal action plan and is therefore an essential constituent of the person-centered model of care.
This study attempts to develop an online chronic diseases consulting system by using a customized heuristic algorithm for complex scheduling of medical experts to consult patients in a major hospital.
Complex patients are increasingly common in primary care and often have poor clinical outcomes. Healthcare system barriers to effective care for complex patients have been previously described, but less is known about the potential impact and meaning of caring for complex patients on a daily basis for primary care providers (PCPs). Our objective was to describe PCPs' experiences providing care for complex patients, including their experiences of health system barriers and facilitators and their strategies ...
Receiving adequate support seems to be crucial to the success of self-management. Although different empirical studies separately examined patients' preferences for self-management support (SMS), an overview is lacking.
The prevalence of chronic disease in the United States is rapidly increasing, with a disproportionate number of underserved, vulnerable patients sharing the burden. The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a care delivery model that has shown promise to improve primary care and address the burden of chronic illness.
Adherence to long-term therapies in chronic disease is poor. Traditional interventions to improve adherence are complex and not widely effective. Mobile telephone text messaging may be a scalable means to support medication adherence.
Specific aspects of the profession of occupational therapy support a distinct value for its practitioners participating fully in the development of case management and care coordination systems.
The World Health Organization defines health as the complete state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing. A recent paper from the Global Burden of Disease study suggests only 4% of the world’s population is now free of disease.
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