
A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Frailty and Functional Decline, Both Physical and Cognitive, in Older People

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A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Prescription and Adherence to Medical Plans

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Patient and provider perspectives on using telemedicine for chronic disease management among Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native people

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Successes of a National Study of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Meeting the Triple Aim of Health Care Reform

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Metodología de conciliación del tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes pluripatológicos

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Errores de conciliación al ingreso hospitalario en pacientes pluripatológicos mediante metodología estandarizada

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Fiabilidad de un cuestionario para la adecuación de tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes con múltiples enfermedades crónicas

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The Expanded Chronic Care Model: An Integration of Concepts and Strategies from Population Health Promotion and the Chronic Care Model

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Claves para la construcción del espacio sociosanitario en España

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Readiness for chronicity in Basque Integrated Healthcare Organisations: a cross sectional study

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