Clinical practice guidelines have been developed to improve the quality of health care. However, adherence to current monomorbidity-focused, mono-disciplinary guidelines may result in undesirable effects for persons with several comorbidities, in adverse interactions between drugs and diseases, conflicting management strategies, and polypharmacy. This is why new types of guidelines that address the problem of interacting medical interventions and conditions in multimorbid patients are needed.
As the population ages more people are living with multiple medical conditions,1 2 and a new model of care for these patients is needed. This should take account of the complex health, emotional, and social problems they face which can make their management so challenging, especially in socioeconomically deprived areas.3
Frailty and multimorbidity may be regarded as a homeostatic failure of a complex system, and these conditions are commonly encountered in elderly people. The concept of “frailty” has been used to describe an individual’s biological age, and the concept of “multimorbidity” is reserved for the simultaneous presence of two or more chronic health problems in one person - See more at:
This systematic review shows that the problem areas for GPs in the management of multimorbidity may be classified into four domains. There will be no ‘one size fits all’ intervention for multimorbidity but these domains may be useful targets to guide the development of interventions that will assist and improve the provision of care to multimorbid patients.
A robust research base is required in General Practice. The research output for General Practice is much less than those of other clinical disciplines. A major impediment to more research in this sector is difficulty with recruitment. Much of the research in this area focuses on barriers to effective recruitment and many projects have great difficulty with this process. This paper seeks to describe a systematic approach to recruitment for a randomized controlled trial that ...
Little is known about the prevalence and predictors of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) of older adults in South Africa. This study aims to investigate the self-reported prevalences of major chronic NCDs and their predictors among older South Africans.
Multi-morbidity is receiving considerable attention in public policy, health and social care. From the perspective of the individual, multi-morbidity is a more complex experience than solely having a clinical diagnosis.
Multimorbidity (multiple chronic illnesses) greatly affects the delivery of health care and assessment of health care quality. There is a lack of basic epidemiologic data on multimorbidity in the United States. This article addresses the prevalence of 24 chronic illnesses and multimorbidity from primary care practices across the United States.
Depression screening in chronic disease is advocated but its impact on routine practice is uncertain. We examine the effects of a programme of incentivised depression screening in chronic disease within a UK primary care setting.
Esta obra está basada en seminarios formativos del Servicio Andaluz de Salud orientados a facilitar la comprensión de la promoción de la salud mental desde la mirada de los activos en salud, superando la idea de que “salud mental” es sinónimo de “enfermedad mental”. Una idea que durante años se ha alejado de la concepción de la Organización Mundial de la Salud que ve la salud mental como un componente integral y esencial de la ...
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