Lifestyle medicine is a new discipline that has recently emerged as a systematized approach for management of chronic disease. The practice of lifestyle medicine requires skills and competency in addressing multiple health risk behaviours and improving self-management. Targets include diet, physical activity, behaviour change, body weight control, treatment plan adherence, stress and coping, spirituality, mind body techniques, tobacco and substance abuse. This review focuses on the impact of a healthy lifestyle on chronic disease, the ...
Esta es una guía básica que ha sido realizada por tres sociedades científicas: Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI), Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (semFYC) y Federación de Asociaciones de Enfermería Comunitaria y Atención Primaria (FAECAP); y llevado a cabo con la colaboración de AstraZeneca (
Little is known about the contribution of frailty in improving patient-level prediction beyond readily available clinical information. The objective of this study is to compare the predictive ability of 129 combinations of seven frailty markers (cognition, energy, mobility, mood, nutrition, physical activity, and strength) and quantify their contribution to predictive accuracy beyond age, sex, and number of chronic diseases.
Nationally, 60% to 75% of older adults have multiple (2 or more) chronic conditions (MCCs), and the burden is even higher among low-income, racial/ethnic minority populations. MCCs limit activities of daily living (ADLs), yet this association is not well characterized outside of clinical populations. We examined the association of MCCs with ADLs in a racially/ethnically diverse population of low-income older adults living in New York City public housing.
This report provides an overview of the function and use of computerized disease registries and outlines issues for consideration in obtaining registry software and integrating registry products into the routine work of the physician practice.
There is a gap between the need for patient-centered, evidence-based primary care for the large burden of chronic illness in the US, and the training of resident physicians to provide that care.
Team care can improve management of chronic conditions, but implementing a team approach in an academic primary care clinic presents unique challenges.
Improving the quality of care in residencies is critical for the profession and for our discipline, but how to do this on a large scale is unclear. The purpose of the I³ collaborative was to assess the feasibility of a regional quality improvement collaborative limited to residencies and to improve significantly dramatically the quality of care for diabetes and congestive heart failure.
Medical data are generated in large quantities every day. There are many aspects to medical data, including clinical information, administration data, and time granularity, and the number of chronic disease patients increases yearly.
This is a collection of Good Practices within the frame of the Action Group working on Innovation for age-friendly buildings, cities and environments of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, an exercise which ran from July to October 2013.
The collection of the Good Practices reflects a snapshot of innovative age-friendly practices across the EU in 2013.
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