Estudios recientes confirman que las personas que padecen una enfermedad crónica pueden mejorar su condición de salud y tener una mejor calidad de vida asumiendo un papel más activo en la gestión de su enfermedad. Actualmente, el sistema sanitario está cambiando y con él se presenta también un nuevo modelo de paciente, preocupado por su estado de salud e interesado en participar en las decisiones relativas a su plan de tratamientos.
This paper fits into the theoretical framework of service networks. Its aim is to understand service network change meaning, characteristics and connections with extant literature and to investigate how a service network can change in a specific context, a regulated sector. The regulated service network considered is the Italian health care network. A theoretical framework guided the analysis to explore how the actors' perceptions evolved during specific time, space, and relationship dimensions in terms of ...
Since most clinical guidelines address single diseases, treatment of patients with multimorbidity, the co-occurrence of multiple (chronic) diseases within one person, can become complicated. Information on highly prevalent combinations of diseases can set the agenda for guideline development on multimorbidity. With this systematic review we aim to describe the prevalence of disease combinations (i.e. disease clusters) in older patients with multimorbidity, as assessed in available studies. In addition, we intend to acquire information that ...
The epidemiological transition has produced a society with a growing number of the elderly affected by multiple chronic diseases which often requires polypharmacy. Despite being the main users of medications, the elderly are largely underrepresented in clinical trials, especially if they have multimorbidity.
Mental health conditions affect the well-being of hundreds of millions of individuals, cause considerable disability and incur high economic and social costs, yet mental health is perhaps one of the most neglected of all global health concerns.
Obesity is a major contributor to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The rising global pandemic of obesity and its related diseases pose a grave threat to national health systems and economies.
Education of the public and health professionals is one of six areas in the Global Health Partnership Framework described in this report; the others are research, community health, direct care, organizational design and governance, and public policy.
This report highlights the core issues that need to be addressed, with examples of best practices from countries that have made measurable progress, not least by embracing innovation and increasing the extent and scale of coverage. We recommend practical steps that can be taken by policy-makers to effect positive change and produce better care and better economic value.
Presentan este proyecto conjunto la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI), la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (semFYC) y la Federación de Asociaciones de Enfermería Comunitaria y Atención Primaria (FAECAP), con la colaboración de AstraZeneca.
Improving quality of care for people with multiple chronic conditions (MCCs) requires performance measures reflecting the heterogeneity and scope of their care. Since most existing measures are disease specific, performance measures must be refined and new measures must be developed to address the complexity of care for those with MCCs.
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