
The Role of Palliative Care in Medical Education

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The road to 25×25: how can the five-target strategy reach its goal?

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Adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes polimedicados mayores de 65 años con prescripción por principio activo

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Retos y oportunidades: aportaciones de la Enfermera de Práctica Avanzada en la cronicidad. Aprendiendo de las experiencias

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Can computers measure the chronic disease burden using survey questionnaires? The Symptomatic Diagnosis Study.

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Managing chronic disease: patients' views and attitudes to using a broadband based service.

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Depressive disorder, coronary heart disease, and stroke: dose–response and reverse causation effects in the Whitehall II cohort study

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A framework for crafting clinical practice guidelines that are relevant to the care and management of people with multimorbidity.

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Addressing Multimorbidity in Evidence Integration and Synthesis.

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