
Integrated Disease Management: A Critical Review of Foreign and Portuguese Experience.

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Cost analysis of chronic disease self-management programmes being delivered in South Florida

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Online self-management interventions for chronically ill patients: Cognitive impairment and technology issues.

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Increased risk for chronic comorbid disorders in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a population based study

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Indirect Economic Impacts of Comorbidities on People With Heart Disease

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Multimorbidity in older adults with intellectual disabilities

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Premio de Microrrelato Albert Jovell convocado en el seno del VI Congreso Nacional de Atención Sanitaria al Paciente Crónico. Sevilla 2014

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Online Activity and Participation in Treatment Affects the Perceived Efficacy of Social Health Networks Among Patients With Chronic Illness

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Prevalence and costs of chronicity and multimorbidity in the population covered by the Basque public telecare service

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Health promotion and primary prevention strategies to fight chronic disease: a systematic review

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