The present article reviews findings from empirical evaluations of integrated disease management programmes. The objective is to provide insights on integration levels, priority interventions and their effect on patient outcomes.
Chronic disease accounts for the majority of healthcare costs. The Chronic Disease Self-Management Programme (CDSMP) has been shown to be effective in reducing the burden of chronic disease.
As the fraction of the population with chronic diseases continues to grow, methods and/or technologies must be found to help the chronically ill to take more responsibility to self-manage their illnesses. Internet based and/or mobile support for disease self-management interventions have often proved effective, but patients with chronic illnesses may have co-occurring cognitive impairment, making it more difficult for them to cope with technologies. Many older patients are also not familiar with technologies ...
Studies determining the development of a wide variety of different comorbid disorders in inflammatory arthritis (IA) patients are scarce, however, this knowledge could be helpful in optimising preventive care in IA patients. The aim of this study is to establish the risk that new chronic comorbid disorders in newly diagnosed patients with IA in a primary care setting are developed.
Few studies have assessed the effect of multiple health conditions among patients with heart disease, particularly the economic implications of having multiple conditions.
Multimorbidity may be related to the supposed early aging of people with intellectual disabilities (ID). This group may suffer more often from multimorbidity, because of ID-related physical health conditions, unhealthy lifestyle and metabolic effects of antipsychotic drug use.
Recopilación de los trabajos preseleccionados en los premios de poesía y microrrelato Albert Jovell que se convocaron en la VI edición del Congreso Nacional de Atención Sanitaria al Paciente Crónico que se celebró en Sevilla en Marzo de 2014.
The use of online health-related social networks for support, peer-to-peer connections, and obtaining health information has increased dramatically. Participation in an online health-related social network can enhance patients' self-efficacy and empowerment, as they are given knowledge and tools to manage their chronic health condition more effectively. Thus, we can deduce that patient activation, the extent to which individuals are able to manage their own health care, also increases. However, little is known about the effects ...
The public telecare service in the Basque Autonomous Community (betiON) is a service offered by the Department of Employment and Social Policy of the Basque Government and offers telephone support to elderly and disabled populations, providing communication with an assistance centre. This connection with health care devices makes it possible to implement shared information systems with health and social data, which enable a characterization of the population attended to and the development of integrated models ...
This article analyze health promotion and primary prevention strategies in the global fight against chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and to reflect on the challenges of overcoming these diseases.
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