Difícilmente podremos encontrar en el SAS, una actividad tan distorsionada y tan alejada de su concepto inicial, como la consulta programada de enfermería.
Due to the aging of the population, the prevalence of chronic diseases is progressively increasing and most older adults experience the cooccurrence of multiple diseases, a condition known as multimorbidity. It has been estimated that 60% of persons aged 65 years or older are affected by multimorbidity, the reason why the condition is sometimes referred to as the “most common chronic disease”
The concept of frailty is rapidly gaining attention as an independent syndrome with high prevalence in older adults. Thereby, frailty is often related to certain adverse outcomes like mortality or disability. Another adverse outcome discussed is increased health care utilization. However, only few studies examined the impact of frailty on health care utilization and corresponding costs. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate comprehensively the relationship between frailty, health care utilization and costs.
Publicly provided healthcare systems are coming under increasing pressure worldwide because of aging populations, increased prevalence of chronic disease and spiralling healthcare costs.
Previous research suggests that greater well-being may protect against onset of chronic disease. However, it is unclear whether this association is similar across different types of disease.
To describe the design and rationale of the Healthy Community Neighborhood Initiative (HCNI), a multi-component study to understand and document health risk and resources in a low-income and minority community.
Care delivery redesign in the form of patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is considered as a potential solution to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs, particularly for patients with chronic conditions. But studies of prevalence or impact at the population level are rare.
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