The objective of this article is to inform the development of a data-driven measure of quality care for individuals with multiple chronic conditions (MCCs) derived from an electronic health record (EHR).
The extension of life expectancy is a global phenomenon. The growth in the ageing population has created a new health scenario in which there is a higher prevalence of frailty and multimorbidity.
The objective of this article is to have followed patients admitted to a Polypathology and Advanced Age Unit for two years in order to identify the variables that best define the mortality prognosis at medium-term (1–2 years) for chronic and polypathological patients requiring admission at an Internal Medicine Department.
This letter provides a view on the issue of the organizational model of Primary Care Groups (PCGs), which represent a best practice in continuity and appropriateness of care for chronic patients.
This review article addresses the concept of the social determinants of health (SDH), selected theories, and its application in studies of chronic disease.
mHealth constitutes a promise for health care delivery in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where health care systems are unprepared to combat the threat of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).
The paper presents a new scheduling method of medical appointments for chronic patients. Taking into account the current situation, in which, especially due to the growing number of chronic patients, both hospitals and primary care units have to cope with a permanently increasing number of appointments, one of the main goals of the proposed method is to balance the workload of the medical staff.
Growing evidence recognizes that patients who are motivated to take an active role in their care can experience a range of health benefits and reduced healthcare costs. Nurses play a critical role in the effort to make patients fully engaged in their disease management. Trainings devoted to increase nurses' skills and knowledge to assess and promote patient engagement are today a medical education priority. To address this goal, we developed a program of nurse education ...
Older people spend much time participating in leisure activities, such as taking part in organized activities and going out, but the extent of participation may differ according to both individual and environmental resources available. Chronic health problems become more prevalent at higher ages and likely necessitate tapping different resources to maintain social participation. This paper compares predictors of participation in social leisure activities between older people with and those without multimorbidity.
El objetivo de este artículo es determinar la validez del índice PROFUND para establecer el riesgo de muerte global a los 4 años en pacientes pluripatológicos.
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