Enfoques sobre manejo de la cronicidad como una serie de procesos complejos que requieren acciones coordinadas entre cuidadores y pacientes y que presentan un aumento de su complejidad por el incremento de pacientes que sufren múltiples condiciones crónicas. Gestionar las consecuencias psicosociales de la enfermedad es también un componente importante de la autogestión. Los datos han demostrado que el aumento de la autogestión mejora la calidad de vida, la supervivencia, la gestión de los síntomas ...
There is a need for the development and evaluation of occupational therapy interventions enabling participation and contributing to self-management for individuals with multiple chronic conditions. This pilot study aimed to assess the feasibility and potential impact of an occupation-based self-management programme for community living individuals with multiple chronic conditions.
Diabetes with depression is common and can lead to poorer outcomes in both conditions. The existing literature has demonstrated that patients' single condition representations inform self-management, but less is known about the composition and impact of multimorbid representations. This study aimed to explore accounts of multimorbidity with a focus on the content of cognitive representations and reported management of diabetes and depression.
The articles in this issue address the high prevalence and substantial clinical burden of multiple chronic conditions (MCC) among adults. All of these papers further the goals outlined in the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) MCC Strategic Framework.
The objective of this article is to illustrate the usefulness of Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data for examining variations in medical expenditures for people with multiple chronic conditions (MCC).
People with type 2 diabetes frequently have a variety of related and unrelated chronic conditions. These additional conditions have implications for patient education, treatment burden and disease management.
Currently one of the major challenges facing clinical guidelines is multimorbidity. Current guidelines are not designed to consider the cumulative impact of treatment recommendations on people with several conditions, nor to allow comparison of relative benefits or risks. This is despite the fact that multimorbidity is a common phenomenon.
The complex interrelationship between depressive disorders and chronic disease has significant implications for both chronic disease management and the treatment of depression.
Multimorbidity, the presence of more than 1 long-term disorder, is associated with increased use of health services, but unplanned admissions to hospital may often be undesirable. Furthermore, socioeconomic deprivation and mental health comorbidity may lead to additional unplanned admissions. We examined the association between unplanned admission to hospital and physical multimorbidity, mental health and socioeconomic deprivation.
As chronicity represents one of the major challenges in the healthcare of aging populations, the understanding of how chronic diseases distribute and co-occur in this part of the population is needed
Información de apoyo a gestores, investigadores, profesionales de la salud y a pacientes y cuidadoras, que trabajan en la en la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas, e incluye publicaciones como artículos, informes, modelos de gestión, estudios y legislación relacionados con la materia. En esta sección se incluyen algunas publicaciones que pueden no ser de libre acceso (propiedad intelectual), y cuya inclusión en OPIMEC está basada en el derecho de cita y con referencia a la fuente original.
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