The Role of Technology in Chronic Disease Care

Chronic disease represents the epidemic of our time, present in half the adult population and responsible for 86% of United States (US) healthcare costs and 70% of deaths.
Milani RV, Bober RM, Lavie CJ. The Role of Technology in Chronic Disease Care. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2016 May-Jun;58(6):579-83. Available at:
The major chronic diseases are primarily due to health risk behaviors that are widely communicable across populations. As a nation, the US has performed poorly in managing chronic disease, in large part because of a failed delivery model of care. New opportunities exist as a result of recent advances in home-based wireless devices, apps and wearables, enabling health delivery systems to monitor disease metrics in near real time. These technologies provide a framework for patient engagement and a new model of care delivery utilizing integrated practice units, both of which are needed to navigate the healthcare needs of the 21st century.
Milani RV, Bober RM, Lavie CJ.
Norte América