Are Home- and Community-Based Services Cost-Effective?

In this issue of Medical Care, the authors compare the Medicare and Medicaid costs of care for dually eligible beneficiaries receiving long-term services and supports in nursing homes versus through home- and community-based services (HCBS). They find that HCBS is cheaper, mainly because of lower spending on long-term services and supports. The analysis is careful and includes a number of important robustness checks, which generally support the direction of the main findings. It is an intriguing contribution to the field, especially because, in contrast to some previous studies, they find that HCBS users do not generate significantly higher spending on acute care than do nursing home residents.
Tamara Konetzka R. Are Home- and Community-Based Services Cost-Effective?. Medical Care. 2016; 54 (3): 219-220. Available at: Link
Tamara Konetzka R.
Norte América