Primary care providers' experiences caring for complex patients in primary care: a qualitative study

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados última modificación 25/04/2016 15:39

Complex patients are increasingly common in primary care and often have poor clinical outcomes. Healthcare system barriers to effective care for complex patients have been previously described, but less is known about the potential impact and meaning of caring for complex patients on a daily basis for primary care providers (PCPs). Our objective was to describe PCPs' experiences providing care for complex patients, including their experiences of health system barriers and facilitators and their strategies to enhance provision of effective care.

Loeb DF, Bayliss EA, Candrian C, deGruy FV, Binswanger IA. Primary care providers' experiences caring for complex patients in primary care: a qualitative study. BMC Fam Pract. 2016 Mar 22;17(1):34. Available at:



Loeb DF, Bayliss EA, Candrian C, deGruy FV, Binswanger IA.

Norte América