A Systematic Review of Conceptual Frameworks of Medical Complexity and New Model Development.

Patient complexity is often operationalized by counting multiple chronic conditions (MCC) without considering contextual factors that can affect patient risk for adverse outcomes.
Zullig LL, Whitson HE, Hastings SN, Beadles C, Kravchenko J, Akushevich I, Maciejewski ML. A Systematic Review of Conceptual Frameworks of Medical Complexity and New Model Development. J Gen Intern Med. 2016 Mar;31(3):329-37. Available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11606-015-3512-2
Zullig LL, Whitson HE, Hastings SN, Beadles C, Kravchenko J, Akushevich I, Maciejewski ML.
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