Barriers in access to healthcare services for chronic patients in times of austerity: an empirical approach in Greece
Diana Gosálvez Prados
— última modificación 5/02/2016 12:42
The objecticve of this article is to investigate the magnitude of barriers in access to health services for chronic patients and the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics that affect them.
Kyriopoulos I-I., Zavras D., Skroumpelos A., Mylona K., Athanasakis K., Kyriopoulos J. Barriers in access to healthcare services for chronic patients in times of austerity: an empirical approach in Greece. International Journal for Equity in Health 2014, 13:54 (25 July 2014). Available at:
Kyriopoulos I-I., Zavras D., Skroumpelos A., Mylona K., Athanasakis K., Kyriopoulos J.