Impact of the financial crisis on adherence to treatment of a rural population in Crete, Greece.

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados última modificación 5/02/2016 12:09

he global economic crisis has affected Greece. Data on patients' adherence to medications for chronic diseases are missing. The objective of this study was to identify to what extent the financial crisisand the repeated pharmacists strike have influenced patients adherence to therapy.

Tsiligianni IG, Papadokostakis P, Prokopiadou D, Stefanaki I, Tsakountakis N,Lionis C. Impact of the financial crisis on adherence to treatment of a rural population in Crete, Greece. Qual Prim Care. 2015;22(5):238-44. Available at:



Tsiligianni IG, Papadokostakis P, Prokopiadou D, Stefanaki I, Tsakountakis N,Lionis C.
