Medication cost problems among chronically ill adults in the US: did the financial crisis make a bad situation even worse?
Diana Gosálvez Prados
— última modificación 5/02/2016 11:53
A national internet survey was conducted between March and April 2009 among 27,302 US participants in the Harris Interactive Chronic Illness Panel. Respondents reported behaviors related to cost-related medication non-adherence (CRN) and the impacts of medication costs on other aspects of their daily lives.
Piette JD, Rosland AM, Silveira MJ, Hayward R, McHorney CA. Medication cost problems among chronically ill adults in the US: did the financial crisis make a bad situation even worse?. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2011 Apr 20;5:187-94. Available at:
Piette JD, Rosland AM, Silveira MJ, Hayward R, McHorney CA.
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