Case Management in Primary Care for Frequent Users of Health Care Services With Chronic Diseases: A Qualitative Study of Patient and Family Experience

Although case management (CM) is increasingly being implemented to address the complex needs of vulnerable clienteles, few studies have examined the patient experience of CM. This study aimed to examine the experience of patients and their family members with care integration as part of a primary care CM intervention. Patients in the study were frequent users of health care services who had chronic diseases.
Hudon C, Chouinard MC, Diadiou F, Lambert M, Bouliane D. Case Management in Primary Care for Frequent Users of Health Care Services With Chronic Diseases: A Qualitative Study of Patient and Family Experience. Ann Fam Med. 2015 Nov;13(6):523-8. Available at:
Hudon C, Chouinard MC, Diadiou F, Lambert M, Bouliane D.
Norte América