The Charlson Comorbidity Index Can Be Used Prospectively to Identify Patients Who Will Incur High Future Costs

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados última modificación 6/03/2015 19:27

Reducing health care costs requires the ability to identify patients most likely to incur high costs. Our objective was to evaluate the ability of the Charlson comorbidity score to predict the individuals who would incur high costs in the subsequent year and to contrast its predictive ability with other commonly used predictors.

Charlson M, Wells MT, Ullman R, King F, Shmukler C. The Charlson Comorbidity Index Can Be Used Prospectively to Identify Patients Who Will Incur High Future Costs. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 3;9(12):e112479. Available at:



Charlson M, Wells MT, Ullman R, King F, Shmukler C.

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