Socioeconomic variation in the burden of chronic conditions and health care provision - analyzing administrative individual level data from the Basque Country, Spain

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados última modificación 6/02/2014 12:11

Chronic diseases are posing an increasing challenge to society, with the associated burden falling disproportionally on more deprived individuals and geographical areas. Although the existence of a socioeconomic health gradient is one of the main concerns of health policy across the world, health information systems commonly do not have reliable data to detect and monitor health inequalities and inequities. The objectives of this study were to measure the level of socioeconomic-related inequality in prevalence of chronic diseases and to investigate the extent and direction of inequities in health care provision.

Orueta JF, García-Álvarez A, Alonso-Morán E, Vallejo-Torres L, Nuño-Solinis R. Socioeconomic variation in the burden of chronic conditions and health care provision - analyzing administrative individual level data from the Basque Country, Spain. BMC Public Health. 2013; 13:870. Available at:



Orueta JF, García-Álvarez A, Alonso-Morán E, Vallejo-Torres L, Nuño-Solinis R.

Implicaciones socioeconómicas Documento colaborativo
Instituto Vasco de Innovación Sanitaria (O+berri/Bioef) Organización
Servicio Vasco de Salud. Osakidetza Organización
Implicaciones económicas, sociales y políticas