A compilation of Good Practices: Innovation for Age-Friendly Buildings Cities and Environments
Diana Gosálvez Prados
— última modificación 5/12/2013 12:10
This is a collection of Good Practices within the frame of the Action Group working on Innovation for age-friendly buildings, cities and environments of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, an exercise which ran from July to October 2013. The collection of the Good Practices reflects a snapshot of innovative age-friendly practices across the EU in 2013.
D4 Innovation for Age-friendly buildings, cities and environments Group. A compilation of Good Practices: Innovation for Age-Friendly Buildings Cities and Environments. Brussels: European Commission; 2013. Available at:
Brussels: European Commission; 2013. Available at:
D4 Innovation for Age-friendly buildings, cities and environments Group.
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