The Expanded Chronic Care Model: An Integration of Concepts and Strategies from Population Health Promotion and the Chronic Care Model
Diana Gosálvez Prados
— última modificación 18/11/2013 12:54
Given the increasing incidence of chronic diseases across the world, the search for more effective strategies to prevent and manage them is essential.
Barr VJ, Robinson S, Marin-Link B, Underhill L, Dotts A, Ravensdale D, Salivaras S. The Expanded Chronic Care Model: An Integration of Concepts and Strategies from Population Health Promotion and the Chronic Care Model. Healthcare Quarterly. 2003; 7(1):73-82 Available at:
Barr VJ, Robinson S, Marin-Link B, Underhill L, Dotts A, Ravensdale D, Salivaras S.
Norte América