Residents with mentalphysical multimorbidity living in long-term care facilities: prevalence and characteristics. A systematic review.
Vivian Benítez Hidalgo
— última modificación 16/07/2013 10:05
Aging societies will be confronted with increased numbers of long-term care (LTC) residents with multimorbidity of physical and mental disorders other than dementia. Knowledge about the prevalence rates, medical and psychosocial characteristics, and care needs of this particular group of residents is mandatory for providing high-quality and evidence-based care. The purpose of this paper was to review the literature regarding these features.
van den Brink AM, Gerritsen DL, Voshaar RC, Koopmans RT. Residents with mentalphysical multimorbidity living in long-term care facilities: prevalence and characteristics. A systematic review. Int Psychogeriatr. Apr 2013;25(4):531-548.
van den Brink AM, Gerritsen DL, Voshaar RC, Koopmans RT.