Screening of frailty in elderly patients with disability by the means of Marigliano-Cacciafesta polypathology scale (MCPS) and Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) scales
Vivian Benítez Hidalgo
— última modificación 15/07/2013 20:49
Frailty is an age-related condition, characterized by a decreased homeostatic reserve and increased vulnerability to stressful events, with high risk of adverse outcomes.
Martocchia A, Frugoni P, Indiano I, Tafaro L, Comite F, Amici A, et al. Screening of frailty in elderly patients with disability by the means of Marigliano-Cacciafesta polypathology scale (MCPS) and Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) scales. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2013 Apr;56(2):339–42.
Martocchia A, Frugoni P, Indiano I, Tafaro L, Comite F, Amici A, et al.