Improving Chronic Illness Care through Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks

This is a PAHO document that examines the linkages between the chronic care models and the Integrated Health Services Network (IHSDN) approach. It describes the main components of the Chronic Care Model (CCM) and the IHSDN and then identifies points of intersection, with an emphasis on the care requirements of the chronically ill.
Barcelo A, Luciani S, Agurto I, Orduñez P, Tasca R, Sued O. Improving Chronic Illness Care through Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO); 2012. Available at:
Barcelo A, Luciani S, Agurto I, Orduñez P, Tasca R, Sued O.
Norte América
care, chronic disease, chronic illness, enfermedades cronicas, integrated health, no transmisibles, oms, ops, paho, who
- Gestión integral. Atención Primaria. Atención integrada Documento colaborativo
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