Leisure-time physical activities for community older people with chronic diseases

This article aims to explore the types and three components (frequency, duration and caloric expenditure) of leisure-time physical activity in community older people with chronic diseases and to identify leisure-time physical activity-related factors in these community older people.
Lin YC, Huang LH, Yeh MC, Tai JJ. Leisure-time physical activities for community older people with chronic diseases. J Clin Nurs. 2011; 20(7-8): 940-9. Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.02877.x/abstract;jsessionid=98447397910E4EA47D2335899110AD20.d03t04
Lin YC, Huang LH, Yeh MC, Tai JJ.
- Prevención y promoción de la salud Documento colaborativo