Potential Savings In Mexico From Screening And Prevention For Early Diabetes And Hypertension

This study analyzes the potential economic benefits of identifying and treating patients with so-called prediabetes and prehypertension through the Mexican prevention program known by its Spanish acronym PREVENIMSS.
Castro-Ríos A, Vladislavovna Doubova S, Martínez-Valverde S, Coria-Soto I, Perez-Cuevas R. Potential Savings In Mexico From Screening And Prevention For Early Diabetes And Hypertension. Health Affairs. 2010; 29(12): 2171-2179. Available at: http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/29/12/2171.abstract
Castro-Ríos A, Vladislavovna Doubova S, Martínez-Valverde S, Coria-Soto I, Perez-Cuevas R.
Norte América
- Prevención y promoción de la salud Documento colaborativo
- Atención primaria, servicios institucionales y procesos de gestión integrada Documento colaborativo
- Implicaciones socioeconómicas Documento colaborativo