The National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan

jessievenegas Jessie Venegas — 10/07/2009


The National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan (Action Plan) has been developed with inputs generated through an extensive process within the different domains of NCDs and is reflective of broad-based consensus. This initiative attempts to incorporate core public health principles into country health programme planning through an approach that seeks evidence before planning interventions and utilizes intervention-monitoring to generate further evidence. It has a comprehensive configuration with evidence-based policy and action-oriented dimensions calling for a change at the institutional, community and public policy levels. The strategy has been designed to overcome the tendency to rely on a disjointed set of small scale projects, factoring integration at four levels: grouping NCDs so that these can be targeted through a set of actions, harmonizing actions, integrating actions with existing public health systems and incorporating contemporary evidence-based concepts into this approach. The Action Plan delivers an Integrated Framework for Action (IFA). The IFA has been developed as a concerted approach to addressing the multidisciplinary range of issues within a prevention, control and health promotion framework across the broad range of NCDs. It is modelled to impact a set of indicators through the combination of a range of actions in tandem with rigorous formative research.

Fragilidad, pluripatología o polipatología y/o enfermedades crónicas complejas

Se enfoca en desigualdades sociales , Promueve niveles adecuados de entendimiento por parte de la comunidad sobre el valor de la prevención , Promueve salud y bienestar en los primeros años de vida y en las escuelas , Crea entornos saludables , Inversion en programas de prevencion
Promueve la intervención temprana mediante medidas de atención sanitaria primaria , Incorpora evidencia nueva para la detección temprana, incluyendo guías de practicas efectivas , Mejora los niveles de educación del publico con respecto a la importancia de la intervención temprana
Desarrolla los elementos básicos para un sistema de salud integrado , Provee o apoya políticas sanitarias para facilitar la planificación y la integración a nivel local y regional , Fortalece grupos colaborativos locales para proveer servicios integrales , Fomenta la formación de los profesionales sanitarios , Facilita la gestión por procesos , Enfatiza los cuidados de enfermos pluri-patológicos y frágiles , Fomenta sistemas electrónicos de información sanitaria para mejorar la calidad de la atención






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