Joint Action addressing chronic diseases and promoting healthy ageing across the life cycle (CHRODIS-JA)

The objective of CHRODIS-JA is to promote and facilitate a process of exchange and transfer of good practices between European countries and regions, addressing chronic conditions, with a specific focus on health promotion and prevention of chronic conditions, multi-morbidity and diabetes. Health promotion and prevention will focus on behavioural risk factor, social determinants and inequalities in health. Work on multi-morbidity will focus on multi-disciplinary & integrated care, patient safety and professional training. Diabetes as a case study will focus on multidisciplinary care covering the whole range from primary prevention to treatment and addressing national plans. A Platform for Knowledge Exchange will gather and a web-based clearinghouse will offer decision-makers, caregivers, patients, and researchers the most relevant information on the best practices in chronic diseases focusing mainly cardiovascular diseases, stroke and diabetes. Ways for sustainability will be explored in order to extend CHRODIS activities beyond the three years duration of the project.
- Prevención
- Se enfoca en desigualdades sociales , Promueve niveles adecuados de entendimiento por parte de la comunidad sobre el valor de la prevención , Crea entornos saludables , Inversion en programas de prevencion
- Detección
- Mejora los niveles de educación del publico con respecto a la importancia de la intervención temprana
- Tratamiento
- Asegura la calidad óptima de los servicios sanitarios
- Objetivos de autogestión
- Reorienta al sistema sanitario para apoyar la autogestión , Promueve participación de pacientes en la planificación de los servicios
Strategic relevance & contribution to the programme
Following the recommendations of the reflection process on chronic conditions of the European Commission and Member States, and the aims of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging (EIP AHA), CHRODIS-JA will contribute to improving the effectiveness of action taken by policy makers, health professionals and citizens in tackling the determinants of chronicity and associated functional and quality of life limitations. CHRODIS-JA will make a relevant contribution to the three major objectives of the second health programme, namely to,
a) Improve citizens' health security-related to poly-pharmacy,
b) Promote health and reduce health inequalities, increasing healthy life years and promoting healthy ageing–by improving primary and secondary prevention of chronic diseases, and c) Generate and disseminate health information and knowledge, exchanging knowledge and best practice on health issues– by the creation of a Platform for Knowledge exchange.
Methods and means
CHRODIS-JA will include four coordinated core work packages (WP). Three of which will be thematic (health promotion and chronic disease prevention, multi-morbidity and diabetes) while the fourth will be cross cutting (Platform for Knowledge Exchange). In addition, CHRODIS-JA will include the creation of a Forum for representatives of Ministries of Health. Criteria for assessment of good practices will be developed in a cooperative effort within all WPs. Once adopted, these criteria will be the basis for the creation of the Platform for Knowledge, with a help desk and a clearinghouse. These criteria will then enable the identification of innovative experiences and potential candidates for 'scaling up and transfer' from original settings to new ones Expected outcomes
The outcome of CHRODIS- JA will be a mechanism for the collection, validation, scaling up and transferring of good practices in relation to chronicity, with particular attention to health promotion and diseas
e prevention, multimorbidity and diabetes. There will be 7 specific outcomes:
1. A Platform for Knowledge Exchange, including a help desk and a clearinghouse.
2. A methodology for scaling up and transferring good practices on health promotion and chronic diseases prevention.
3. A selection of most cost-effective practices to address multi-morbid patients to be transferred to other settings.
4. A training programme for health professionals to address multi-morbidity.
5. A set of best practices on primary prevention, early detection, secondary prevention, management of diabetes, and patient empowerment programmes, and the methods for transferring them.
6. A review of existing national programmes on diabetes.
7. A Forum of Ministries of Health to discuss the continuity of CHRODIS-JA after this Joint Action
Associated Partners:
1. FCIEN–Fundacion Centro de Investigacion Enfermedades Neurodegeneratives, Spain
2. EUROHEALTHNET , Brussels, Belgium
3. EHMA European Health Management Association Limited, Brussels, Belgium,
4. IACS-Institute Aragones de Ciencias de la Salud, Spain
5. BZgA-Bundeszentrale fur gesundheitliche aufklarung, Koln, Germany
6. AIFA–Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco, Rome, Italy
7. ISS-Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy
8. PSKUS–VSIA Paula Stradina Kliniska universitates slimnica, Riga, Latvia
9. TUD-Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
10. VULSK–Vilniaus Universiteto ligonines santariskiu klinkos, Lithuania
11. IVZ–Institut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenje, Slovenia
12. NCPHA–Public Health Institute of the Ministry of Health, Sofia, Bulgaria
13. THL–Terveyden ja hyvinoinnin laitos, Helsinki, Finland
14. UDUS (HHU)-Heinrich Heine Universitat Dusseldorf, Germany
15. MINSAL-Ministry of Health Italy, Rome, Italy
16. YPE–Regional health authority Athens, Greece
17. HSE–Health Service executive, Dublin, Ireland
18. IPH–Institute of Public Health, Dublin, Ireland
19. NIVEL–Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheidszorg, Utrecht, Netherlands
20. HOD Helse of omsorsdepartementet, Oslo, Norway
21. DGS–Direccao Geral da Saude, Lisbon, Portugal
22. INSA–Instituto Naccional de Saude Doutro Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal
23. EPF–European Patient Forum, Brussels, Belgium
24. NIHD–Tervise Arengu Instituut, Tallinn, Estonia
25. SMLPC–Sveilatos mokymo ir ligy prevencijos centras, Vilnius, Lithuania
26. DOHI–Emaetti landlaeknis,Reykjvik, Iceland
27. EIWH–European Institute of women health, Dublin, Ireland
28. RIVM–Rijksinstituut voor volksgezondheid en milieu, Bilthoven, Netherlands
29. EUREGHA–European regional and local health authorities, Brussels, Belgium
30. MSSSI–Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Madrid, Spain
31. CSBSJA–Consejeria de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales de la Junta de Andalucia, Sevilla, Spain
32. FPS Fundacion progreso y salud, Sevilla, Spain
33. BIOEF–Fundacion Vasca de Innovacion e Investigacion Sanitarias, Sondika, Spain
34. SERGAS–Servizio Galego de Saude, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
35. FFIC–Fundacion para la formacion e investigacion sanitarias de la region de Murcia, Murcia,Spain
36. ARAID–Fundacion Agencia Aragonesa para la Investigacion y el Desarollo, Zaragoza, Spain
37. UNIZAR–Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Collaborating partners:
1. Ministry of Health Brussels, Belgium
2. The NHS Confederation, United Kingdom
3. Ministry of Health, Cyprus
4. General Directorate for Health, France
5. Univ. of Coimbra (Fac. of Medicine) on behalf of the consortium Ageing@Coimbra–Center Region, Portugal
6. The National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), Sweden
7. French National Authority for Health, France
8. Public Health Institute Zagreb, Croatia
9. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Spain
10. University of Montpellier , France
11. Universitá di Napoli, Italy
12. Public Health Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care, Malta
13. National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Czech Republic
14. The Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, Belgium
15. Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS). Generaltitat de Catalunya, Spain
16. Consejería de Sanidad y Servicios Sociales, Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, Spain
17. Consejería de Sanidad y Asuntos Sociales, Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
18. Servicio Canario de Salud, Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, Spain
19. Dirección General de Asistencia Sanitaria, Agencia Valenciana de Salud, Spain
20. European Wound Management Association (EWMA), Denmark
21. Pharmaceutical Group of the EU, Belgium,
22. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Denmark
23. European COPD Coalition (ECC), Brussels
24. Portuguese Diabetes Association (APDP-ERC), Portugal
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