BSafeMed -Provides medical responders with medical information
BSafeMed is a virtual platform ( where users can insert their medical details to be consulted in case of emergency.
On the BSafeMed card and stickers there is a QR code containing the user’s medical history which can be easily accessed with a Smartphone.
What is a QR code?
A QR code (Quick Response Code) is a barcode where you can store information. An image of the code is captured with a Smartphone and the user automatically has access to the information stored in the QR code. Storing your BSafeMed profile in a QR code is quick and efficient.
What type of information does your QR code show once scanned?
It only shows information that you consider necessary in case of emergency. If needed, a medical professional could scan your QR code and in just a few seconds he or she could access your BSafeMed profile and could make a quick and accurate diagnosis.
Is the information stored in the QR code safe?
We are aware of how important it is to keep your personal details safe. We have designed some ways of ensuring that your privacy is protected.
Firstly, the QR code is hidden on the back of the sticker so that it is not easy to scan.
To guarantee the maximum level of security around your BSafeMed profile, you cannot insert a name, photo or other details that could directly reveal your identity.
There is a part on the sticker where you can fill in your name as well as the details of a contact person.
Diabetes, Insuficiencia cardiaca, Enfermedades oncológicas, Demencia, Asma, Enfermedad mental, PATOLOGIA CARDIACA, Enfermedad cardíaca
- Prevención
- Crea entornos saludables , Promueve niveles adecuados de entendimiento por parte de la comunidad sobre el valor de la prevención
- Tratamiento
- Desarrolla los elementos básicos para un sistema de salud integrado , Provee o apoya políticas sanitarias para facilitar la planificación y la integración a nivel local y regional , Mejora el acceso a los servicios de salud a través de todo el espectro, desde la prevención hasta el tratamiento , Asegura la calidad óptima de los servicios sanitarios , Fomenta sistemas electrónicos de información sanitaria para mejorar la calidad de la atención
- Objetivos de autogestión
- Permite el apoyo a distancia a pacientes y sus cuidadores por parte de profesionales sanitarios
BSafeMed is a young and multidisciplinary company which focuses on the service sector of the medical profession.
The company was founded with the idea of simplifying the methods used in medical emergencies.
For this reason we have decided to create a virtual platform which stores essential medical data inserted by our client that can be accessed through scanning a QR code.
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