United Kingdom: The NHS and Social Care Long Term Conditions Model

jessievenegas Jessie Venegas — 2/04/2008

Primary Care, Department of Health

The NHS and Social Care Long Term Conditions Model builds on the wealth of local and international experiences and innovations to improve the health and quality of life of those with long term conditions. The purpose of the Model is to improve the health and quality of life of those with long term conditions by providing personalised, yet systematic on-going support, based on what works best for people in NHS and social care systems. The Model ensures effective joint working between all those involved in delivering care - including secondary care, ambulance trusts, social care and voluntary and community organisations - so patients experience a seamless journey through the health and social care systems. The Model provides a structured and consistent approach to help local health and social care partners shape the way they deliver integrated long term care locally. It details the infrastructure available to support better care for those with long term conditions as well as a delivery system designed to match support with patient need.


West Yorkshire


Long Term Conditions Team, Room 4N26, Quarry House, Quarry Hill, LeedsLS2 7UE




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