

OPIMEC procesa y disemina a través de un mapa y de un directorio de organizaciones relacionadas con enfermedades crónicas complejas.


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Una Organización se ha definido como: “aquellas organizaciones, instituciones, centros, servicios, empresas, corporaciones, fundaciones o asociaciones que desempeñan funciones y acciones de carácter político, estratégico, táctico o asistencial para la gestión de enfermedades crónicas en el ámbito de la atención primaria de salud, la atención especializada o la atención socio-sanitaria,  públicas o privadas y de implantación local, regional o nacional”.

Una vez recibida la información el equipo editorial de OPIMEC se encargará de publicarla valorando positivamente al menos tres de las siguientes características:

  •  Apoya la gestión por procesos durante la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas.
  • Incorpora tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la planificación, ejecución, coordinación o monitorización de actividades relacionadas con enfermedades crónicas complejas.
  • Se enfoca en casos de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y sus entornos.
  • Conduce un análisis sistemático del impacto de sus prácticas para la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas a cualquier nivel (clínico, financiero, organizativo, tecnológico).
  • Planea, desarrolla, implementa o promueve estrategias de planificación urbana o de re-organización institucional que tienen en cuenta las necesidades de personas con enfermedades crónicas y favorecen su manejo eficiente y humano.
  • Tiene por lo menos una persona (líder) designada específicamente para promover actividades relacionadas con la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas.
  • Tiene equipos de profesionales sanitarios especializados en la GEC.
  • Tiene guías de práctica clínica basadas en evidencia para facilitar la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas.
Faculty of Public Health and Social Care, Trnava University

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This is a program developed in collaboration with The University of Iowa. Together they conduct a 2-week Summer Institute in Trnava, Slovakia, as part of a Fogarty International. Targeted at young Public Health professionals in the Central and Eastern European region, the program refreshes participants' knowledge, exposes them to new information and ideas, and provides networking opportunities for colleagues and collaborators from neighboring countries. Instructors include institutional collaborators, US-trained Fogarty scholars, and regional experts. In ...
Polish Cardiac Society

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This is an interesting example of cross-sector and cross-agency collaboration to promote preventive efforts. Poland has been celebrating World Heart Day from its very beginning. They have learnt that to be visible, their events must reach a certain critical mass to become attractive for the media. Therefore, since 2002, the Polish Cardiac Society (PCS) organized a major central event involving sponsors and applying for collaboration of major public TV outlets. Activities include presentations by heart ...
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

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'Caring for people in a healthy society' - this is the motto of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. Caring for the old and the young and for people with physical or mental disabilities. The Ministry's 5000 civil servants develop policy on health care, social support and sport. The Ministry encourages people to live healthily, exercise more, smoke less, drink moderately, have safe sex and adopt a healthy diet. The Ministries of economics, education ...
St. Luke’s Hospital and University of Malta

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Malta has a very high prevalence of respiratory diseases. These guidelines were produced in 2002 as part of the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), in collaboration with the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the World Health Organization. It is a good example of collaboration at the national and international level, across sector boundaries to tackle an important public health and clinical issue.
Hospital St. Louis

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As an alternative to implanting electronic tracking tags in its dementia patients, the largest hospital in Luxembourg will monitor the locations of such patients using a radio frequency identification system. Hospital St. Louis has installed AeroScout Inc.'s Wi-Fi-based active RFID system to offer more protection to high-risk dementia patients. If such patients move through doors or other designated "choke points" while unaccompanied, the AeroScout Exciter tool will alert staff with real-time detection information. The ...
Lithuanian Cancer Society

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The registration of cancer incidence in Lithuania started in 1957. Department of Epidemiology of the institute of Oncology was responsible for collection, statistical and epidemiological interpretation of data. The data covering the all country are available from 1964. The Cancer Registry as separate department of oncology center started in 1990. It becomes a member of International Association of Can–cer Registries in 1993. The main purposes of registry now are to collect data about all ...
Latvian Diabetes Association

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The Latvian Diabetes Association is a non-governmental organization that unites diabetes patients, medical professionals and all the good-willed people who support diabetes patients and want to improve diabetes care in Latvia. There are 3200 members in the Association some of whom amount for approximately 8% of the total diabetes patients in the country. This Association has bee highlighted for it contribution to diabetes management through guidelines for type 2 diabetes.
European School of Oncology (ESO)

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ESO was founded by Umberto Veronesi and Laudomia Del Drago in 1982, with the aim of contributing to the reduction of deaths from cancer due to late diagnosis and/or inadequate treatment. ESO’s mission is reflected in its motto "Learning to Care", which stresses the concept of studying and learning and also of caring for the patient in a global sense. By improving the skills of all health professionals dealing with cancer patients, ESO ...
Irish Heart Foundation and Irish Cancer Society

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The Irish Cancer Society is the national charity dedicated to preventing cancer, saving lives from cancer and improving the quality of life of those living with cancer through patient care, research and education. The Irish Cancer Society is one of ASH Ireland’s parent bodies. The Irish Heart Foundation is the only national voluntary organization in Ireland working to reduce premature death and disability from heart disease and stroke through research, education and community service ...
Applied Logic Laboratory

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This is a consortium that seeks to develop, and integrate ICT technologies into a unified system to allow: (1) personalized health and disease management, (2) the increase of the patients’ responsibility concerning their own health, (3) the improvement of the quality of chronic disease treatment, (4) efficiency increase in the operation of the health care institution in financial and professional terms, and (5) continuous professional development of the care personnel.