

OPIMEC procesa y disemina a través de un mapa y de un directorio de organizaciones relacionadas con enfermedades crónicas complejas.


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Para que su organización aparezca en nuestra Web sólo tiene que registrarse.

Una Organización se ha definido como: “aquellas organizaciones, instituciones, centros, servicios, empresas, corporaciones, fundaciones o asociaciones que desempeñan funciones y acciones de carácter político, estratégico, táctico o asistencial para la gestión de enfermedades crónicas en el ámbito de la atención primaria de salud, la atención especializada o la atención socio-sanitaria,  públicas o privadas y de implantación local, regional o nacional”.

Una vez recibida la información el equipo editorial de OPIMEC se encargará de publicarla valorando positivamente al menos tres de las siguientes características:

  •  Apoya la gestión por procesos durante la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas.
  • Incorpora tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la planificación, ejecución, coordinación o monitorización de actividades relacionadas con enfermedades crónicas complejas.
  • Se enfoca en casos de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y sus entornos.
  • Conduce un análisis sistemático del impacto de sus prácticas para la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas a cualquier nivel (clínico, financiero, organizativo, tecnológico).
  • Planea, desarrolla, implementa o promueve estrategias de planificación urbana o de re-organización institucional que tienen en cuenta las necesidades de personas con enfermedades crónicas y favorecen su manejo eficiente y humano.
  • Tiene por lo menos una persona (líder) designada específicamente para promover actividades relacionadas con la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas.
  • Tiene equipos de profesionales sanitarios especializados en la GEC.
  • Tiene guías de práctica clínica basadas en evidencia para facilitar la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas.
Muskie School of Public Service and Medicaid Program

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This project continues a demonstration to develop managed care program for dually eligible Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. The purpose of the demonstration is, co-funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, to enhance the clinical and administrative coordination of primary, acute, and long term care services for adults and elderly Medicaid beneficiaries. MaineNET is an entirely voluntary program with primary and acute services for all eligible beneficiaries managed through a contracting primary physician. Medicare and Medicaid ...
Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum

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The Quality Forum is committed to improving the quality of health and health care for everyone in Louisiana, whether they have private insurance, government insurance or no insurance at all. The Forum, based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is a private, nonprofit organization formed as part of the post-Katrina effort to rebuild the health care system in hurricane-affected areas of the state. The forum focuses on short-term recovery and long-term system redesign. A 13-person volunteer board ...
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

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The Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Branch works to decrease debilitation and death from chronic disease in Kentucky. Emphasis is on prevention and risk factors that can be reduced through healthy lifestyles. The branch stresses the importance of not using or quitting tobacco, increasing physical activity and providing information and education about diabetes, asthma and cardiovascular health. The site includes tools from other organizations that enable members of the public to assess their risk of ...
Kansas City Chronic Disease Coalition

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Staff members work with community groups to select activities that are known to work. By helping these groups adopt evidence or practice-based activities, these activities and changes in lifestyle will make a difference in improving community member’s health through the prevention of chronic diseases. The Coalition is a non-profit organization that assists community partners in reducing risk factors for chronic diseases through nutrition and exercise programs. Its community partners include neighborhood and faith groups ...
Iowa Chronic Care Consortium

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The Iowa Chronic Care Consortium is an independent, not-for-profit entity. As a voluntary collaboration of public, private, academic and government organizations its purpose is to develop capacity for the state of Iowa to effectively manage the most prevalent chronic diseases affecting Iowans. Through effective health promotion and chronic care management strategies, ICCC strives to improve the health and productivity of individuals where they live and work. ICCC is coordinated by Des Moines University. Partners include ...
Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy & Planning, and the Indiana State Department of Health

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The Indiana Chronic Disease Management Program (ICDMP) was developed through a joint effort between the Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy & Planning and the Indiana State Department of Health and implemented in June 2003. The program deals with Diabetes, Asthma, Congestive Heart Failure Stroke, AIDS and HIV cases. The goals of the ICDMP: • Build a sustainable comprehensive, locally based infrastructure • Strengthen the existing public health infrastructure • Help improve quality of health care for patients with chronic ...
K?kua Mau

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End-of-life care work in Hawai‘i is truly unique, innovative & collaborative. K?kua Mau is a statewide partnership of over 250 individuals and organizations working with the general public and with the leaders of healthcare and government to strengthen partnerships and improve the way in which the people of Hawai‘i are cared for at the end of their lives. The program offers valuable resources for health professionals and the public to handle most of ...
Georgia Department of Community Health

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Service Options Using Resources in a Community Environment (SOURCE) is a State Plan enhanced primary care case management program that serves frail elderly and disabled beneficiaries to improve the health outcomes of persons with chronic health conditions, by linking primary medical care with home and community-based services. The program builds on the state’s primary care case management program, George Better Health Care Program (GBHC). SOURCE integrates primary medical care with supportive services through case ...
Florida Medicaid

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The Medicaid Provider Access System (MediPass) is a primary care case management program for Medicaid recipients developed and administered by Florida Medicaid. MediPass was established in 1991 to assure adequate access to coordinated primary care while decreasing the inappropriate utilization of medical services. In MediPass, each participating Medicaid recipient selects or is assigned a health care provider who furnishes primary care services, 24-hour access to care and referral and authorization for specialty services and hospital ...
Unison Health Plan of Delaware (Medicaid Program)

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The General cases management services for chronic illness are a resource to address complex Medical and Social Needs. Unison uses these services to promote comprehensive coordinated care as an individualized service delivery based on comprehensive assessment tools that are used to develop a care plan. The care plan is developed in collaboration with the member, family (if applicable) and the treating provider. The goal is to empower members and involve them in all aspects of ...