Comunidad en enfermedades crónicas

En esta sección podrá consultar los últimos contenidos publicados por las distintas comunidades de práctica integradas en OPIMEC.
- Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Mobile Health Technologies for Managing Chronic Conditions in Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Publicado el 29/09/2016 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
The current landscape of a rapidly aging population accompanied by multiple chronic conditions presents numerous challenges to optimally support the complex needs of this group. Mobile health (mHealth) technologies have shown promise in supporting older persons to manage chronic conditions; however, there remains a dearth of evidence-informed guidance to develop such innovations.
communication, design, evaluation studies as topic, frail elderly, health plan implementations, home care services, mhealth innovations, mobile health, multiple chronic conditions, older adults, technologies, telemedicine - Wearable Devices-From Healthy Lifestyle to Active Ageing Publicado el 22/04/2016 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
As wearable and mobile technologies are becoming more available and can provide more information and knowledge to users, new challenges and opportunities opens for industry and healthcare organizations.
biomedical measurement, body area networks, geriatrics, health care, medical computing, mobile computing, patient care, telemedicine - From Teletraining to Telehomecare - Design of Mobile and Multi-Stream Telehealth Systems Publicado el 19/11/2015 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Telehealth success relies on the ability of information and communication technologies (ICT) to maximize the quality of care provided remotely, i.e., providing diagnostics and treatments of the same quality compared to face-to-face or conventional means, and maximize the benefits for the patients, the clinicians and the system of care.
health care, mobile communication, patient rehabilitation, surgery, telemedicine - Sistema de E-Salud en la región de sur de Dinamarca Publicado el 24/10/2013 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
La región del Sur de Dinamarca sigue apoyando un creciente ecosistema tecnológico del bienestar y la construcción de una infraestructura de empresas tecnológicas dedicadas al bienestar social. La región mantiene una estrecha colaboración con empresas, instituciones de investigación y socios internacionales para cumplir con los retos sociales, generar crecimiento y empleo y apoyar una vida activa y saludable para sus ciudadanos.
health innovation, telemedicine - Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark Publicado el 24/10/2013 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark creates results and added value that is used at the hospitals, at the social institutions, and that fosters job creation in the region.
- They develop new solutions within health innovation
- They implement telemedicine solutions
- They develop new ways of designing hospitals
- They develop new models for collaboration between public organisations and private companies
- They collaborate closely with knowledge- and education institutes like the University of Southern Denmark, University College ...
health innovation, telemedicine - Telemonitoring Increases Patient Awareness of Health and Prompts Health-Related Action: Initial Evaluation of the TELE-ERA Study. Publicado el 29/07/2011 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Telemonitoring is being increasingly used for chronic disease monitoring. Understanding elderly patients' feelings and perspectives toward telemonitoring is important to minimize any barriers to implementation in this population.
ehealth, telemedicine - Eleven years of experience with low-bandwidth telemedicine in a nurse-led rural clinic in Scotland Publicado el 03/02/2011 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
A pilot trial of telemedicine in primary care began in the village of Letham in 1998. The service provided conventional consultations with the district nurse, plus teleconsultations with a general practitioner (GP) at the health centre in Forfar, a few km away.
telecare, telemedicine - Telemedicine – Opportunities and developments in Member States. Global Observatory for eHealth series - Volume 2 Publicado el 17/01/2011 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Telemedicine can bring the eyes of a specialist to examine a critically ill patient from halfway around the globe. It bridges the distance between people and the best health care available and can be applied to a vast range of situations - from home care to specialized clinical settings.
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