Technology Innovations: Supporting Integrated Care at Home and in Communities, Odense

Integrated care requires health and social care workers, from multiple professional backgrounds and different organisations, to work together – frequently through virtual platforms. ICT plays a vital role in supporting this team-oriented way of working where professionals must share information about – and with – the patient in real time so as to provide high-quality, people-centred, coordinated care.
This conference will consider how to use new technologies to support people with complex chronic needs to live independently and well in their homes and communities. In particular, it will examine the issues in ‘how to’ deploy effective technological innovations in practice and at-scale.
The conference will feature work from WHINN- Week of Health and INNovation 2015, EU projects Smart Care, Care Well and Beyond Silos as well as the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing B3 Action Group who will demonstrate progress and evidence impact. The conference will offer participants within these initiatives an opportunity to share learning and collaborate to move agendas forward together.
The conference will particularly look at how to develop cost-effective and high quality care pathways for people with both health and social care needs, and within that:
· How to use information and tools to model care and project resource needs;
· How to co-design technological innovations so they meet the needs of end users;
· How to build the business case for technology adoption and integrated care through evaluation; and
· How to make change happen.
The conference is aimed at participants of the major EU projects as well as managers, health and social care professionals and academics concerned with the development of ICT to support the better management of integrated health and social care.
20/10/2015 00:00
20/10/2015 00:00