3rd World Congress on Integrated Care “Co-producing High Quality People-Centered Integrated Care for ALL”

The International Foundation of Integrated Care (IFIC), in partnership with The Secretaria de la Salud Mexicana, the National College for Especialist on Integrated Medicine (CONAEMI) and the University of Anahuac:
Presents the 3rd World Congress on Integrated Care “Co-producing High Quality People-Centered Integrated Care for ALL” to take place in Mexico City, 19-21 November 2015.
Abstracts submissions will be accepted until Friday, 10 July. All accepted abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Integrated Care (Impact Factor 1.261) Accepted abstracts will appear in the programme as a formal oral presentation, workshop or as a poster to be displayed in the exhibition area, as deemed appropriate by the scientific committee. All accepted abstracts will compete for the Integrated Care Award. Selected abstracts will compete for the Best Poster Award.
If you are interested in presenting at the congress, full details on how to submit an abstract can be found at the congress website
19/11/2015 00:00
21/11/2015 00:00
México city