Integrated Care and Transformational Change

Over the past two decades an important demographic and epidemiological transition has taken place which has seen age-related and long-term chronic illness replace communicable disease as the biggest challenge that health and social care systems must now address. The economic burden of age-related chronic illness now represents between 75-80 per cent of health care expenditure in developed countries, a figure that is also expected to rise. This rising demand presents a significant problem since it comes at a time when health and welfare budgets in many countries are under pressure. The ability to find a way to sustain or even improve health outcomes within limited financial resources has become the greatest of challenges yet current care systems appear to be ill-equipped to meet future needs. As a result, most countries have begun the search for transformative solutions that embrace new and more integrated care models that place the emphasis on preventing ill health, supporting self-care, delivering care closer to people’s homes, eliminating waste and duplication, and reducing the reliance on hospitals and long-term care institutions.
About the Masterclass
This International Masterclass has been developed for a select international audience of no more than 25 senior managers, policy-makers and health and social care professionals whose focus of work is implementing integrated care at both policy and practice levels. The approach will be to create an environment for in-depth learning on how to take forward integrated care successfully and to examine the skills and strategies that leaders and managers need to support transformational change. The aims of the Masterclass are as follows:
Integrated Care
- To understand the current state of integrated care in the UK and other countries
- To examine how different programmes of integrated care are being implemented
- To reflect on the experience of integrated care policy and practice to examine the key lessons and markers for success that emerge and which may be transferred to other countries
- To develop takeaway strategies and solutions for delegates to deploy in their own policy and practice
Leading and managing transformational change
- To understand the role and nature of managerial and professional leadership through integrated care
- To examine how to lead and build strategies for transformational change, including:
- creating organisational readiness;
- developing shared vision based on the needs of patients and communities;
- supporting the creation of collaborative mindsets
- developing partnership working to support integrated care working
- To learn about the challenges and opportunities for improving quality through service redesign
- To understand improvement methodologies that can be used to good effect when implementing and delivering integrated care in practice
For further information, please contact Fiona Lyne at To reserve a place, please refer to the registration tab.
23/03/2014 00:00
28/03/2014 00:00
Fiona Lyne