VII European International Congress Healthy and active ageing for all Europeans-II

In recent years great progress has been made in understanding the ageing phenomenon. Not only do we know better the role of many factors in healthy and active ageing, but various age-related deficiency and degeneration processes are today identified and innovative solutions are available, from biotechnology to new treatments, from preventive measures to efficient health care systems, and finally from financial support to quality of life enhancement for older persons.
This Congress will provide a unique opportunity for scientific interdisciplinary dialogue among researchers, practitioners and professionals working with older persons in a vast array of sciences: biological, biomedical, chemical, clinical, engineering, nursing, psychology, social sciences, public health and policy.
14/04/2011 00:00
17/04/2011 00:00
Societa Italiana di Gerontologia y Geriatria International Assoaciation of Gerontology and Geriatrics Universita di Bologna