Health 2.0.

Health 2.0 always features the most comprehensive line-up of technology innovators, as well as leaders in health care, government and finance, and unveils the best new health care technology.
Through nearly a hundred speakers and plenty of new healthcare demos and technologies on display on stage and in the exhibit hall, you’ll get a sweeping overview of the ways that information technology and the web are changing healthcare. We’ll be looking at the “traditional” Health 2.0 areas like vertical search, online social networks, and tools for consumers. But the conference will also be focusing on the emergence of the data utility layer–exemplified by HealthVault and Google Health, and will be examining the impact of the huge growth of social media outside of health care on Health 2.0.
7/10/2010 00:00
8/10/2010 00:00
San Francisco
- Health 2.0 LLC Organización